Update 1

Hello fellows!

After a little brainstorming, i decided the control system and the camera: Next has now a top-down camera with point&click control system.

perspective topdown camera

I decided for this path because will be easier for players to create buildings, to refresh the visuals inspired by Baldur’s Gate and Diablo control systems, and to open the experience of this control system to a mmorpg, something that is missing since Ultima Online.
Having a top down perspective visual also allows the engine to run on lower machines still mantaining an high detailed gfx, since objects far from the camera wont be rendered and this wont reduce the eye-candy of the visuals with a bland distance-fog system.


A Little Bit About The Movement System
The system created uses a collision detection system without phisics and allows the player to move on uneven terrains easly, opening also the gates for climbing, jumping, swimming and flying.
I already added and highlight system when mouse-overing an enemy tagged object or where clicked.

The next updates will talk about the night/day cycle and a little bit about the housing system.

Sorry if i’ve been quite “short” in this update, but the job is pressing me 🙂



  1. I wonder what kind of MMO will this be?
    What kind of world it will be. 😀

    I’ve achieve the point and click system, here.

    I’m a lone developer as well, without much money.

    I’m building a game that I myself want to play. 😀
    It will be MMO as well, but I plan to make it more to be social type game where it will help music industry where I come from. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Eheh i’ll reveal details from time to time, since i don’t want to spoil everything asap.
      I can tell you players will have a world and a society to rebuild form scratch, like a second chance after having failed with our world. That’s why i intend this as a “social experiment”.

      Nice project mate! I’ll give a look at your project and will follow 🙂


      1. Wowow, we almost have the same idea there. XD

        I myself created a world where our world right now is no gone.
        We live in another world where survived humans forms new kind of ideals, new kind of society, new kind of physics and laws but still retain some humanity logic in it.

        Some suggestion for your blog, you might want to turn on your email subscription and put the form at your sidebar there for readers to easily follow your blog posts.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow, yeh, pretty much the same idea at base… that’s the signal that there are a lot of people oviously unhappy with what is happening, and we dream to have a chance to start again from scratch with a bag full experiences and history, to not make another time the same mistakes.

    About the form, yeh thanks for the suggestion! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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