upcoming massive multiplayer

Video Update of the Week #1


You know what? Internet is for porn.
I’ve been in between a bit of bashing while talking about this project, because is something hard to achieve. People don’t realize that to achieve goals you need only few things: mental order, skills, a clear strategy and focus on the goal. Then is up to us to follow the road, organize the steps, reach the minigoals between the actual stage and the end.
Most of devs are without wills and wont take risks, and think that a big work just ends with a big fail: which is something that eventually happens.
You know what? You have to try it, everytime. If you like an idea, you have to seek that way to make it real, always, let that idea be your main objective in life. You fail? Well, you failed. But you tried, and now you have enough experience to try again, harder, until you’ll succeed, because YOU WILL SUCCEED.

I want to make clear that by no way i am sure i will be able to gather enough interest in the project to have a solid team to work with, since i am not a messiah or a gaming prophet, but i will do anything in my possibilities to achieve what is possibile to achieve.

Before the description, let’s have few mins of a video i recorded today: this is the actual stage of the mechanics, is the first week of effort put into the concept.

Video first, chat later:


NexT MMORPG: What is it?

Next Mmorpg first screenshot

Good hot summer day, gamers.

I’m Adre, a 30yo developer living in Rome and CEO of @LevenLab, a small & young creative agency which develops games and apps for commercial purpose.
I’ve always been an hardcore gamer, a MMO lover since Ultima till Darkfall, a group leader, a strategy planner, and then a developer.

But ok, is enough for now, i am pretty sure we’ll have chance to know eachother quite well in the next days…
Anyway, let’s go to the hot topic.

Everyone has a dream-game in mind which wishes was already out to play it all day long for years.
Next is for me THAT game, and i am opening this blog to describe the hard, really hard development i am starting right now.
